Herbarium and Naturopathic Remedies
Stepping into the door you are first struck by the aroma, pleasant
and fascinating. The mixture of hundreds of herbs envelop your senses
as you enter the old medieval house with rich wooden counters and shelves
of herbal remedies in what was once the Barfüsser Pharmacy, now
the Pharmaceutical Historical Museum of Basel. The University of Basel
took over the historic pharmacy in 1924, creating the museum of pharmacological
history with one of the world’s most important collections of
historic pharmaceutical objects.
Beyond the front counters of the Herbarium, the museum is spread out
through the rooms of the old house, leading on a trail through ancient
pharmaceutical treatments from across the ages. Glass cases are filled
with the objects of the healer’s art, from bones to bottles of
Elixir Vitae, to complete old laboratories, furniture, instruments,
amulets and druggists pestles. There are illustrated manuscripts on
the art, craft of healing, both the scientifically innovative and purely
fanciful, illustrating the historical, scientific, artistic and popular
nature of the history of the pharmacy.
The old house named was built around 1480, and originally housed a
printer, but became associated with the herbal and pharmacological
arts when the 16th Century scholar of naturopathic medicine and the
City Doctor of Basel, Theophrastus von Hohenheim became the personal
physician of the owners. Theophrastes was more commonly known as Paracelsus.
The collection of obsolete remedies offers a view into the errors
and experiments of medicine,
including potions and ointments more imaginative than effective,
including a varieties of amulets to ward of the demons of disease,
the user with magical powers against the plague. Four rooms in the
museum present a look into the ideas of medicine before the modern
era - a medieval Gothic private chapel built in the 15th century
converted into an alchemist's work room, a pharmaceutical laboratory
from 1800
with complex lab apparatuses and glass tubes, an Empire period pharmacy
from France, and the Baroque Habsburg royal court pharmacy of Innsbruck
from 1755.
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